Kennedy Cares - Empowering Youth


Selling Advent Wreaths to empower youth and support their education.

The partners in the Kennedy Executive network help people in their career every day. For children, a career is a long road away. For some this is not just in years, but also in terms of opportunities and chances.

Under the heading ‘Kennedy Cares’, each partner undertakes or joins a charitable activity, aimed at helping all youth reach their potential. Unterberger & Partner / Kennedy Executive Salzburg, Munich, Frankfurt and Zurich joined in on a much loved local tradition of making advent wreaths and supported the organization of this special event by active and monetary means. The proceeds will go to the Herz-Jesu-missionaries in Salzburg. They will use it to support social projects in the Herz-Jesu-Gymnasium in Salzburg but also to set up new schools and child care facilities in Brasil and Congo where financial resources are limited.

Lino Adrian